Today we virtually participated the regional of 2018 Nanjing, and I
have done my first non-trivial string problem, introducing a new
algorithm called Extended-KMP. Thus I bet it notable on by blog.
Problem Statement
Given two strings s and t, count the number of tuples \((i, j, k)\) such that
\(1\le i\le j\le |s|\)
\(1\le k\le |t|\)
\(j − i + 1 > k\)
The \(i\)-th character of \(s\) to the \(j\)-th character of \(s\), concatenated with the first character
of \(t\) to the \(k\)-th character of \(t\), is a palindrome.
\(2\le |s|\le 10^6\), \(1\le |t|<|s|\)
The problem is to find and count the number of cases that there is
two adjacent substrings \(s^{(1)}\),
\(s^{(2)}\) in \(s\) and another \(t^{(1)}\) in \(t\), provided that \(s^{(2)}\) is a palindrome, and \(s^{(1)}\) is reversely matched with \(t^{(1)}\).
So let's reverse the string \(s\).
Then use the famous Manacher algorithm on \(s\) (when there is a longest palindrome
\(s_x\cdots s_y\), let \(p_{x+y}=\lfloor(y-x+1)/2\rfloor\)) and
count every occurrence centered at \(i=\lceil(x+y)/2\rceil\).
Let \(s^j\) be the suffix of \(s\) starting from \(j\). We should firstly find the longest
common prefix of suffix \(s^j\) and
\(t\), and sum up the length of these
prefixes around \(i\). Precisely, all
of the prefixes starting from \(i+1\)
to \(i+p_{x+y}\) should be counted.
Using prefix sum, we could get that value in \(O(1)\) at every symmetrical center.
It must be noted that \(j-i+1>k\), then \(s_2\) must not be empty.
Dealing with bounds and indexes of strings is tricky, so be
#include<bits/stdc++.h> usingnamespace std; constintMaxN(2e6+10); char s[MaxN], t[MaxN]; int palin[MaxN]; // the half length of palindrome centered at i/2 voidmanacher(char str[], int len[], int n){ len[0] = 1; for (inti(1), j(0); i < (n << 1) - 1; ++i) { intp(i >> 1), q(i - p), r(((j + 1) >> 1) + len[j] - 1); len[i] = r < q ? 0 : min(r - q + 1, len[(j << 1) - i]); while (p > len[i] - 1 && q + len[i] < n && str[p - len[i]] == str[q + len[i]]) ++len[i]; if (q + len[i] - 1 > r) j = i; } } // Extended KMP voidGetNext(char *T, int & m, int next[]){ int a = 0, p = 0; next[0] = m; for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) { if (i >= p || i + next[i - a] >= p) { if (i >= p) p = i; while (p < m && T[p] == T[p - i]) p++; next[i] = p - i; a = i; } else next[i] = next[i - a]; } } voidGetExtend(char *S, int & n, char *T, int & m, int extend[], int next[]){ int a = 0, p = 0; GetNext(T, m, next); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i >= p || i + next[i - a] >= p) { if (i >= p) p = i; while (p < n && p - i < m && S[p] == T[p - i]) p++; extend[i] = p - i; a = i; } else extend[i] = next[i - a]; } } int Next[MaxN], Lcsp[MaxN]; // longest common prefix of suffix s_i and t using LL = longlong; LL SLcsp[MaxN]; // prefix sum of Lcsp intmain(){ scanf("%s", s); scanf("%s", t); intls(strlen(s)), lt(strlen(t)); // reverse the string s for (inti(0); i < ls / 2; ++i) { swap(s[i], s[ls - i - 1]); } manacher(s, palin, ls); GetExtend(s, ls, t, lt, Lcsp, Next); // prefix sum for (inti(0); i < ls; ++i) { SLcsp[i + 1] = SLcsp[i] + Lcsp[i]; } LL ans(0); for (inti(0); i < ls + ls - 1; ++i) { if (i & 1) { // even length palindrome intmid((i + 1) / 2); // to exclude empty palindrome part ans += SLcsp[min(mid + palin[i] + 1, ls)] - SLcsp[mid + 1]; } else { // odd length palindrome intmid(i / 2); ans += SLcsp[min(mid + palin[i] + 1, ls)] - SLcsp[mid + 1]; } } printf("%lld\n", ans); return0; }